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Top-Producing Massachusetts 
real estate team success story

The Success Story

The importance and benefits of outsourcing real estate support for a team of multiple agents


The Top-Producing Massachusetts Real Estate Team, led by a Managing Director, comprises a talented team of real estate professionals who excel in property sales. 


To maintain smooth operations in the group, each agent took on management and administrative-related responsibilities such as listing coordination, marketing, and operations. The problem was ...

CHALLENGE 1: Agents found it difficult to balance tasks while focusing on property sales.

In an effort to streamline the agents' responsibilities, the team attempted to hire in-person assistants to handle administrative tasks. However...

CHALLENGE 2: The group struggled with: 

a. A limited talent pool of qualified candidates for the role.

b. Few professionals with full-time availability.

Therefore, this real estate team sought out to ClearDesk to help them achieve their goals:

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Roadmap to Success

We worked with this group to understand their needs and build the candidate criteria.

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We identified Rob, an executive assistant with 2 years of real estate experience with a US-based agent. He is also a college graduate with 8 years of experience as a call center team leader.


Rob was hired by ClearDesk and within 10 days he passed our Real Estate Training Program with high remarks. He was prepared and excited to join this real estate group on its mission to cultivate vibrant communities through real estate services!


Rob’s efforts in his first 5 months at this real estate group have resulted in significant achievements and improvements!

Successful Collaboration & Coordination: Rob has effectively coordinated with all 6 agents, ensuring 38 closed deals.

Documentation of Listing Procedures: Rob created a step-by-step listing manual, helping new staff learn the process independently without live training.

Lightened Workload For The Agents: Tedious listing-related tasks and vendor communication have been successfully offloaded to Rob. This has freed up all agent's time, allowing them to focus on strategic aspects of their role.

Event Support: Rob helps all 6 agents with their weekly events. Thanks to Rob's backend support, they have successfully expanded their network, generated referrals, and increased awareness for the real estate group.

Versatile Support: Rob wears many hats and puts his. diverse skill set to good use by supporting the real estate group and their individual team across multiple pro and the teams across multiple projects. Rob's versatility enhances overall team efficiency.

Clear & Defined Roles: Agents now directly approach Rob for updates on their listings. This has enhanced the team's communication and reduced back-and-forth exchanges.


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